The idea of good homeschool record keeping can cause a feeling of dread or even fear for many homeschoolers. So many questions come up:
- What kind of records do I need to save?
- I’m so far behind in keeping records, how will I ever catch up?
- Keeping records is overwhelming! How can I simplify it?
- What if I don’t keep all that I need to?
- I don’t have time to write down what we do every day. Do I really need to?
YES! Record keeping is important and doable!
Here are some important reasons to keep good records:
1. Record keeping is a law in many states, and God calls us to obey the law.
In approximately 35 of the 50 US states, it’s a requirement for homeschoolers to keep good records of their student’s academic work. For those of us who live in states where keeping records is required, it is important to follow our state’s law. (Go to to find out what your state requirements are.)
Romans 13:1 “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore, whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.”
2. Good record keeping is proof of a quality education
Should anyone ever question the quality of your child’s education at home, good records will help you show what you’ve taught your children. Records also provide proof of education for continuing in higher education or going into the military. Some employers also ask for school records in their background checks.
3. Good record keeping helps in planning for younger siblings
As I did my school planning for each new year, I often went back to my records to see what I had done before with our oldest child so I could plan each subject for my younger children. I could follow the plan I had used before and I didn’t need to ‘reinvent the wheel’.
4. Record keeping helps you see all that you’ve accomplished
Many homeschool moms worry that they aren’t doing enough academically with their children. I remember the first year I homeschooled, I wrote down everything educational that we did each day. At the end of the day, I was often amazed at the many learning opportunities! It helped build my confidence that our children were learning enough.
5. Good record keeping helps you easily produce a high school transcript
The transcript is one of the most important homeschool records. Colleges, the military, and even some employers will want to see this proof of your student’s education. If you develop good record keeping habits when your children are young, you’ll be more confident and experienced when it’s time to create a high school transcript. A good record keeping system can easily help you create a great transcript.
6. Keeping great records reduces stress!
As homeschool parents, we have a lot on our plate, which often leads to feeling stressed out. Even though keeping records can feel like just one more thing to do, in the long run, keeping great records will relieve your stress for all the above reasons.
BONUS: A record keeping tip – Using your lesson planning documents for record keeping will simplify things greatly!
Keeping great records is worth the effort!