The Homeschool Life Blog

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Fun Educational Games for Learning Language Arts

by | Apr 24, 2018 | Curriculum, General Homeschooling, Uncategorised | 0 comments

I’ve always known playing games made learning so much more fun for our children.  However, as I wrote my last post on the benefits of using games for teaching,  I was excited to find studies and information that confirmed what I knew experientially:  playing games truly does offer many educational benefits!

Just a quick review of the benefits of using games for learning from my last post:

Games strengthen focus and memory skills, build motor skills for younger children, build socialization skills, problem-solving skills, analytical skills, and they also help with cognitive growth.

They improve executive functioning skills giving children the ability to accomplish tasks.

Games offer the opportunity to build character, helping children learn self-control and good sportsmanship as well as giving them the opportunity to learn to cooperate with others.

Games help build close relationships within the family, which is very important to most homeschoolers! They also give children a sense of accomplishment. Games are a wonderful way to teach and reinforce information that our children need to learn.

Today I want to share some great games to use specifically for building Language Arts skills. 

The games listed here are “tried and true” favorites from homeschool parents who shared their favorite educational games with me on Facebook.  Some are favorite games we used in our home as well.  All in all, the games listed here are well-liked by children and homeschool parents!

For language arts, the first thing we focus on in the pre-k to kindergarten years is developing reading readiness skills.

What are reading readiness skills?

According to, the skills needed to learn to read are print awareness, letter awareness, phonemic awareness, reading comprehension, and developing a desire to read. Click here to read their post on reading readiness skills.

Some wonderful games for developing reading readiness skills are: (these may contain affiliate links)

Peaceable Kingdom Alphabet Go Fish Letter Matching Card Game - 52 Cards with Box

Once your children have their reading readiness skills down, it’s time to teach them to read and along with that, to spell.  There are some wonderful games to help you teach your child to read and spell and also give them practice in both these areas.

Here are some games for developing phonics, reading and spelling skills:

Bananagrams WildTiles Vocabulary Building and Spelling Improvement Lettered Tile Game for Ages 7 and Up

Fun Educational Games for Learning Language Arts

Fun Educational Games for Learning Language Arts

Fun Educational Games for Learning Language Arts

ThinkFun Zingo Sight Words Early Reading Game

  • Quiddler (ages 8-adult, includes solitaire version)

Fun Educational Games for Learning Language Arts

Fun Educational Games for Learning Language Arts

Once our children are fluent readers there are some fun games for the older child that continue to build language arts skills:

Taboo Board Game

Fun Educational Games for Learning Language Arts

Fun Educational Games for Learning Language Arts

Fun Educational Games for Learning Language Arts

Remember you can use games as a supplement to your language arts program, or for younger kids, as your language arts program! You can set up a language arts learning station with some of these games.

Games make learning fun and develop lifelong learners!

I’ll also be posting a resource list for games on my “Recommended” page as well and will update them as I learn of more games for this subject!

Please comment below if you know of other language arts games that kids would enjoy! And have fun playing!!

Next up, MATH games!