Keeping Your Focus on JESUS this Christmas

Keeping Your Focus on JESUS this Christmas

The true reason we celebrate Christmas is to remember that Jesus loves us so much that He came down to this earth as a little baby to live among us! His birth is the beginning of the wonderful story of His life here on earth and how He died to pay for our sins.  ...
13 Ideas for Making Prayer a Priority

13 Ideas for Making Prayer a Priority

13 Ideas for Making Prayer a Priority Written by Trisha Pull   Raising kids comes with an unending list of things to do. As I cross one item off the top of the list, I seemingly add three more to the bottom. Amid it all, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s really...
10 Reasons to Memorize Scripture with Our Children

10 Reasons to Memorize Scripture with Our Children

  Raising children who love God and follow Him with all their heart is more difficult than ever today. But we serve a powerful God who has overcome the world (John 16:33)!  He is more than able to help us, and our children to live godly lives for Him. Memorizing...
Motherhood: A Blessed Calling

Motherhood: A Blessed Calling

“Mothers, don’t forget that you are the shapers of destiny, co-operators with God, sculptresses of young lives, and quiet servants of necessity.” Elizabeth Elliot At times, our society seems to underestimate the importance and value of being a mom. I was a...
Stop the Comparison Game

Stop the Comparison Game

A young dad came to me with concerns about his son.  His friend’s 3-year-old already knew all the sounds of the letters. Plus, he was talking in full sentences and was way ahead of this young dad’s 3-year-old son. His worry was genuine. “Are we doing something wrong?”...