7 Benefits of Reading Aloud to your Children

7 Benefits of Reading Aloud to your Children

Some of my fondest memories from our families homeschool years were when the kids and I were reading a good book together (or rather, I was reading it aloud to them).  I remember getting all choked up in the touching story of an orphan called “Freckles”, and laughing...

Great Educational Gifts: GAMES!

(This post contains some affiliate links)   Christmas is just around the corner, and the scramble to find the perfect gift for each of your loved ones has begun. I don’t know about you, but I’ve always felt that a gift that benefits a child’s education is a...

Understand Your Child’s Love Language

Children have a great need to feel unconditionally loved.  God created us to need love, and He sent His Son to die for our sins to show us His unconditional love. Jesus said we’re to follow His example of loving others in John 13: 34-35:   34 “A new command I give...

8 Ideas for Keeping Toddlers Busy While Homeschooling

Homeschooling several children of multiple ages can be challenging in itself, but homeschooling while you have a toddler running around can often seem overwhelming! When we first started homeschooling, our kids were ages 7, 5, 3, and 1; life was busy, to say the...